
The Mission of the Inner City Youth Foundation is to implement a holistic approach to the problems that currently confront the residents of the inner city. Our vision of holistic assistance includes but is not limited to the following:

1. Education
We believe that all residents within the inner city have the right to a quality educational experience. Those residents must have the right to re-enter a system that in the past has not served their educational needs. We, at the Inner City Youth Foundation feel that it is our responsibility to help insure that the previously inept system provides a quality educational experience. We believe that a lack of education or a poor education breeds anti-social behavior and criminal activities.

2. Employment
The Inner City Youth Foundation believes that everyone has the right to an equal opportunity to employment and that it is encumbered upon us to create jobs and that the current rate of unemployment and welfare dependency has caused a high rate of crime, child abuse and neglect, and that we must create jobs to build sustainable and self-sufficient neighborhoods. We feel that the high rate of crime is due to a poor educational system resulting in high unemployment and welfare dependency.

3. Health
Health care, as it relates to substance abuse and AIDS awareness, as well as mental health and infant health, are priorities within the inner city. The Inner City Youth Foundation believes that health care must be affordable to all inner city residents. And that, Universal Health Care must be enforced.

4. Recreation and Counseling
The Inner City Youth Foundation believes that in order to lead well-rounded lives, our youth require structured, constructive and innovative recreational activities that build strong minds and bodies and that recreational activities provide a constructive activity that helps to deter crime. We also believe that the elders of the community have a responsibility to counsel our children regarding responsible, appropriate behavior.

5. Prison Outreach
The Inner City Youth Foundation believes that men and women incarcerated have an obligation to the community, and must pay his debt directly to the community. We have a responsibility to ensure that incarceration provides an opportunity for rehabilitation and successful reintegration of the incarcerated person back into mainstream society after restitution, depending on the maintenance of support system by the community. We at Inner City Youth Foundation believe that maintenance of those support systems will reduce the recidivism rate. Remember the lack of Education or a poor Education breeds crime.